Friday, August 6, 2010

Fist Pump Friday! Reality TV Roundup

Here's the run down of the garbage TV I've watched this week.

1.  Teen Mom.  In honor of my high school theme this week, I thought I would go ahead and admit that I watch this show on occasion.  I'm not sure why, as it puts me in a foul mood every single time I see it.  This week, as usual, Amber and Gary fought a lot and the sight of them made me want to barf all night, Maci started dating some dude who is about .000001% as good looking as that horrible yet sickeningly hot faced baby daddy of hers, Farrah was an annoying little brat and her mom creeped me out, and Catelynn and Tyler were shockingly responsible and mature... so, business as usual over at Teen Mom this week.

2.  Top Chef.  I caught it this week.  It was boring.  I also managed to catch-

3.  Project Runway.  Apparently this is on Thursdays, not Wednesdays, as I erroneously reported last week.  Sorry about that.  So far, there are no surprises as far as the types of people they've cast this season (crybabies and bitchfaces), and from what I can tell, no outstanding talent.  I'll still be watching, though.  I would have turned away if that douche in the little black hat wasn't auf'd, but he was, so I'll come back to you, PR.  Oh, what's with Heidi's weird wig hair?

4.  Mtv True Life.  I watched two episodes this week:  I'm Polyamorous, and I Hate My Face.  Good grief, I love this show.   This girl dropped out of high school because she hates the way she looks!  But she's letting a camera crew from Mtv film her!  Perfect television.  Perfect... just like-

5.  Jersey Shore!  I am super disappointed that Snooki and Vinnie didn't hook up this week like the previews had promised me.  In fact, this week's episode was pretty much terrible.  That stuff with Angelina and Pauly D was sort of hilarious, but mostly just uncomfortable to watch.  That girl... my goodness.  Let's just stop talking about it and cross our fingers for next week.

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