Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bonus Blog: Ask Madd Hatter!

Dear Madd Hatter,
In general, I'm pretty much non-stop fabulous. However, when the awesome train does stop, it feels like I've crashed into a wall of realization about my life not being quite how I pictured it would be in my somewhat advance age. I mean, I'm not old or anything - gross - but, you know... I will be one day and it freaks me out! I'm running out of time to accomplish all of the things I'm so clearly destined to, and I occasionally get really mad at myself about it. How do I avoid hitting these "walls" and getting all depressed and losing my fabulous for a few days to weeks?? I've considered becoming an eccentric alcoholic and just calling it a day, but I thought maybe I would ask you first for some advice.

- Fabulously Unstable

Well kids! Im just gonna start this out and say I feel privileged to have a guest spot in the ever so famous Missalannyus blog, the advice column none the less! Let's get to it!

Dear Fabulously Unstable,

First off, lemme start off by sayn you sound to me that your totally convinced that ur SO FABULOUS that you shit glitter. That's all fine and dandy if thats what u wanna believe, but me personally am bothered by ppl like urself who think the world revolves around you. Which leads me to the next point, when the world DOESNT revolve around you and its not all ritz and glammer anymore, you CRASH with sever depression like everyone n the world does. I know, Im one whom up until recently struggled myself with depression and my inner voices. And let me ask, what EXACTLY did u mean by 'advanced age'?? Im mean considering Ive recently discovered Im going thru a "Mid-Life Crisis" they call it...who the FUCK r they?!!! Sry, the voices.....! Im an "Old soul" at the ripe age of 29, yes Im not skeerd to admit it! But Fabulous, Life is what u make of it. You let urself get down bcuz somethings not the way u want it, you shrug that shit off and move on to the next problem. Life is too short! As far as becoming an eccentric alcoholic, I say Id steer clear of our favorite uncles Jim, Jack, my uncle Capt. Morgan, and Old Granddad....cuz they have wayy too cereal (thats 'serous' n english) when it comes to their 'life chats' u have with them. Drinkn is fun but its not gonna solve shit so suck it up, put on ur granny panties and roll with whatever life throws at you. Impossible or not, It is what you make it. And with this said I hoped Ive helped you get back to shitting glitter and making me gag n ur presence w/ur "FABULOUS".

Madd Hatter

Thanks, Madd Hatter!  Dear readers, I believe that Madd Hatter is interested in answering some more questions, so if you have any that you would rather Miss Alanny pass along than answer herself, then please, forward along to, with "Ask Madd Hatter" in the subject line.  Ask Miss Alanny questions, as well as any other questions, input, or foul insults can also be sent to   That's right, bitches - we officially have a site email address.  Do I need to repeat it again?

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