Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bonus Blog: I'm Bored

I am sitting on my couch, patiently awaiting the new episode of Tosh tonight, as he will be doing a "Web Redemption" with the Double Rainbow Guy, and I'm really excited to find out if it was peyote or if he's just... a special guy.  So, I'm just chillin'... freakin' Teen Mom on in the background... I'm trying not to watch, because I feel like I might literally throw up if I watch Gary and Amber scream at each other in front of that child and, of course, break up, one more time in my life.  I can't help but look whenever Maci's BD Ryan is on, though... ANYWAYS - I feel that since, in this very moment, it has come to my attention that I apparently do have some time to waste, I should share with you a suggestion I recently got from a reader.  It follows:

I think you should begin reading all the Twilight books, as you have time, and designate a day each week where you write a "Twilight Saga Update" or some other funny title, that has your thoughts/opinions as you're reading the series.  People would read that crap since almost everyone's read the books and everyone knows how much you hate the idea of Twilight, so people would be eager to see what your latest take is on the books.  I know you're thinking, "I don't have time to read that shit!" but they are obviously a very easy read, and my ADD and kind of busy ass read all four books in less than a month.  I say, DO IT.  People will be excited.  Me included.

So, what do you think?   Should I really consider spending free time that I could be spending sleeping, or semi-watching reality tv while also semi-watching videos on YouTube while also writing a love letter to you people, reading the Twilight series? I do already have the first book (which I did NOT buy), so I could try it and see how it goes.  Let me know what you think, please.

As a special treat for you lovelies, I thought I would fill some space here by giving you a peak into my infamous daily email conversations with Abbis Cadabbis.  I think you should know by now that Abbis and I email each other all day, every day, from our respective desks.  You have probably also figured out that Abbis and I don't agree on much other than our undeniable attachment to each other.  Now, many days, Abbis and I have deep, meaningful conversations in which we discuss personal matters that I would never share.  Ok, just kidding... that happens like once or twice a year, tops.  Usually, it's crap like this:

Key:  A1 = Abbis; A2 = Me

A1: You have any plans for the evening?

A2: No plans at all, other than my top ten list.  I'm doing Top Ten Things I Don't Get.

A1: That should be a good one. Do I get a preview of a couple of the things you don't get?

A2: shark week.  katy perry.  rappers drinking cough syrup.  the color yellow.  chelsea handler cracking herself up all the time.  jeggings.  vera bradley crap.  the nuvo-ring.  i'm still brainstorming for the remaining ones.

A1: What don't you get about the color yellow?

A2: how it is supposed to be cheerful and make people happy, but it always looks dirty to me.  like smoker teeth.

A1: OK. That makes sense.

A2: do you have any suggestions for other ones, or anything constructive to say at all... ever?

A1: Very funny.  Everything I say is constructive.

A2: "What do you have against yellow?"  not constructive, defensive
"ok, that makes sense" not constructive, pointless

A1: That is not what I said.  I said "What don't you get about the color yellow?", not defensive.  Do you think that maybe you're just a defensive person?  Something I don't get.....When people tell you that you said something that you didn't say like you should just believe that you said that when you know that you didn't.  Especially when it's in writing and you can easily scroll down and prove that that is not what you said.  

A2: I don't get when people wear khakis

A1: I don't get when people start blog sites and want someone else to think up all their blogs.

A2: oh you're so right.  i do so little of the work myself.

A1: Oh, I'm just kidding.
Did Chrissy like your new place?

A2: she said she did.  but she could just be a dirty liar.

A1: She probably wasn't lying.  I'm so freakin bored here today I truly can't even think of anything interesting to talk about.

The End.

If you have any suggestions for my blog, please send them along to  My sincere thanks to my buddies who are sending me ideas... and also to Abbis for being such a stick in the mud, every day of our lives.  


  1. I don't get how YOU don't end up nightly on the news as an ongoing story entitled "Alanna: The Wit and The Rage" that chronicles your daily rampage through the streets of Cin-City stabbing people in the face while you berate their personality, interests, attire and lack of appreciation of your comments ABOUT them WHILE you murder them.

    THAT I would enjoy.

    Call FX.

  2. Also, your next Top 10 should be:

    Top Ten Things I Decided To Do INSTEAD Of Read Twilight

  3. Hmmmm... how many nights do you think the series would run? With all the murder, I think I might only be featured once before I'm, you know... detained, etc.

  4. I have read the Twilight series. That chick is the worst writer ever. Never read it. N-E-V-E-R.

  5. AC, I've heard the same thing. I don't think I can do it. I read a Nicholas Sparks book once, and nearly scheduled a lobotomy following.

  6. Well... I mean, have you ever seen "Run Ronnie, Run"? Maybe you could go from state to state?

    Also, cupper82 - Thank you for having a brain. It's ok to regret. Everyone thinks that they have to adhere to the social standards once they fall into a marketing trap. But it is ok to say, "Yeah, I gave it a shot. It sucked."
    So, kudos.

  7. Yeah, writemywrong, I just like to read. I had a weekend before I started my preliminary exams for my Ph. D so I thought mindless reading would be good. I didn't know just how mindless it could be.

    Missalanny, if you want to read any of them, just read the last one. It is completely ridiculous with more crappy Mormon ideals and it is hilarious. Don't bother with any of the others.

  8. Yeah, don't do it, Miss Alanny. Whoever the "brainless" person is who suggested you read them MUST be, in fact, trying to convince you to LOOOOOVE the books, not merely suggesting you read them so as to write funny rants about them as you go along for the sole purpose of entertainment value on your blog. Heavens no, that can't be it! And, my God, people who fairly enjoyed those books because they too love to read and were a little curious after seeing the first movie (but are far from being a Twi-hard idiot), must obviously not be smart enough to have a Ph.D, and must never have read anything else above the level of Green Eggs and Ham.

  9. I don't think anyone said that the PEOPLE who have read Twilight are mindless, but rather that the books are terrible.

    But, now that you mention it...


    (just kidding - somewhat)

  10. "Thank you for having a brain." I'm not sure how else to take that other than she has a brain because she read them and hated them, so that must mean that anyone who read them and enjoyed the story must be an idiot. It's not like I don't recognize when someone isn't exactly the most intelligent writer (the fuckin' things are aimed at tween girls for crying out loud), but I was fairly entertained by the story, so sue me. Also, as I told Miss Alanny, I'm a damn female who found a story about two people deeply in love and against odds and shit, to be heartwarming at the time. Crucify me. And eff you.
    No hard feelings. Not everyone knows how to be sensitive and nice like me. LOL

  11. Ok, my very brainy friends.... I don't want this to become some nerdy version of Jersey Shore, so let's cool out and talk about something on which EVERYONE can agree -

    my blog is heartwarming... at all times.

    and now that i think about it, a nerdy version of the jersey shore staring my friends and taking place somewhere special... like Indian Lake... would be a fairly awesome show. we could play trivia games and argue about the intellectual merit of books vs. movies. i have a boner for this show right now!

  12. *starring

    also - Indian Lake being a special location was a joke... although I have no idea what other shore we could set up on.

  13. I just meant that I was glad she had the brain to admit that she thought it sucked after reading it, instead of reading the series then feeling obliged to fawn over them like so many others. That's all I'm saying! lol

    And I'm down for that show. I'd like a re-occurring role though. It'd feel more special to me.
    Also, I'm down for kicking some ass in Trivial Pursuit. And Scrabble. And Chutes and Ladders. I kick my kids ass at that game ALL DAY LONG. He can't handle.

    I'll be sure to bring Spongebob Scene-It for you Kellee. Wouldn't want to lambaste your Twilight lovin' hide in the intellectual realm without giving you a chance to redeem yourself. ;)

    (for the record, I'm KIDDING) lol

  14. Spongebob, Scrabble, whatever... Kellee would own. She has a huge vocabulary and, unlike myself, knows how to spell quite well. Also - bitch knows her cartoons, so...

    BUT, I'm a serious contender in Trivial Pursuit. Bring it.

  15. And I have like fifty stepkids so I know ALL about Spongeboob, as I like to call him. (I call him that to my stepkids too and they laugh and it's funny.)
    I also know a LOT of dumb, random, and pointless information, so I can really be a threat in Trivial Pursuit. I'm like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day when he's watching Jeopardy with that bottle of whiskey in hand. Yeah, that's right. That's me, bitches.

  16. Oh,I know you're a threat... I'm just stating that, unlike in Pictionary, Charades, Yahtzee, Monopoly, Marco Polo, Sorry!, Girl Talk, and Life...

    in Trivial Pursuit, I'm a contenduh!

    Ok, seriously... can someone organize a game party or something?

  17. I also like to play Skip-Bo like it's a fucking game of spades, or whatever that card game is that gangsters play in prison. I slam the cards down when I have plays and yell out "Ha! That's right hos!" or other such exclamations. Even when I play with my kids. It's fun for the whole family.
