Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ask Miss Alanny!

Dear Miss Alanny,
Why are men such horrible people?
- A Woman Scorned

Dear Scorned,

Thank you for the question.  I appreciate the short and (bitter)sweetness this week; it will allow me to answer in the same manner, for which I'm thankful, because I'm not feeling so full of advice and/or insight at the moment, par-tick on this topic.  Come to think of it, I'm not sure you're asking why men are horrible people from your point of view, or why (as I'm sure you've observed) I think men are horrible people.  Well, either way, the answer is simple:  men have the emotional capacity of robots, less empathetic nature than dogs, and they lie... all the time.  It's like the language they speak:  lying.

 Good Boy!

I'm guessing that since your name is "A Woman Scorned," unless you're just being cute, you feel me, sista-girlfriend :)

Ask Miss Alanny!  Every Thursday PM... send questions to me at or  This website will also have a direct email soon-ish.

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