Monday, July 26, 2010

Crush of the Week!

This week's Crush of the Week is a Special Silver Fox Edition.  Why?  Because I've just started watching Mad Men.

This old dude's name is John Slattery, and he plays Roger Sterling on Mad Men... on AMC,  Thursdays at 10pm. 

Congratulations, Silver Fox John Slattery.  You are my Crush of the Week for the week of July 26, 2010!  In fact, I believe you have inspired me to create a Top Ten List of Silver Foxes.  I won't post it until tomorrow, of course ;)

There is one downside to my CotW... well, actually with Mad Men and it airing on Thursdays at 10pm.  You see, this is the very same night and time that Jersey Shore Season 2 will be premiering this week.  Which of these shows are going to win the battle for my loyal heart?


Could I pick a Crush of the Week from Jersey Shore?  Uhhhh... no.  Well, maybe in a non-sexual, I-love-you-because-you're-ridiculous-and-at-least-you're-not-Ronnie way.  Or maybe I could pick Snooki.  But, realistically?  No.  So, this point in the match is advantage: Mad Men.

But, I'm not caught up on Mad Men and shouldn't be starting the fourth season yet.  This point goes to the Guidos and Guidettes. 

**The cat is out of the bag that I'm too cheap for a DVR, right?  Just making sure you understand that leaving me a message that says "just DVR the one you don't watch" would be fruitless.**

MTV replays shows about 25 times each episode, so there is another point for Mad Men.  However, Jersey Shore is trashy and faboosh, and will be fun to write about.  Point JS. 

Jersey Shore requires no brainpower.  Point.  Also from the previews, Snooki tries fried pickles and says they've changed her life.  Pretty big point, Snickers.

So..... I'm thinking Jersey Shore is going to be some must-see-tv for me this week.  And I'm even thinking that a weekly review could take the place of "Gleekly Weekly"...I guess we'll see how the premiere episode holds up...

1 comment:

  1. when I say "take the place of 'Gleekly Weekly" I mean only while Glee is on vacation. I mean, seriously... you will be dealing with my Glee obsession for the long haul.
