Thursday, December 16, 2010

Classic Convos: Texting with Momz

Date of convo:  12/15/2010
People involved:  Miss Alanny, Miss Alanny's Mother
Topic:  Bad Grandparenting
Helpful Notes for Understanding Context:  I texted my mother two times, and called once, requesting that she log into facebook and see some pictures that I posted of my dog, Sweet Baby Hamlet.  Each time, she responded with an enthusiastic "I will!" of sorts, and I awaited her delightful brand of fboo commentary.  Possibly two whole days had passed and I had yet to see evidence of her fulfilling this agreement.  I now deemed the enthusiasm fake, and was hurt for myself, and my dog child.

Worst grandma ever.  No real ones for you.
What are u talking about
Ham has 2 very important photo displays on facebook and you haven't even looked.
Have too.  Printed them off on my new printer and hung them up on the fireplace.
You didn't comment!
I know.  Sorry I got a call and didn't get back on the computer.
Well his feelings are very fragile and I don't appreciate you making him feel unloved.
Tell him im sorry.  I spoil him at christmas.  Hes gorgous
Yes, he is.  He should be a model.
I agree.
We are going to make our own line of greeting cards.
Cool.  I will buy the . 1st doz. Copies
The first set will feature me as the model.  Hamlet is learning how to take pictures.
My skin.
Goodnight alanna

All spelling and punctuation remain unedited.  Old people using texting is so charming.

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